
     This gives you the capability to quiz the decks.


 There are four different types of quizzes.  Select Quiz from the menu and pick one of the following:
Quiz Opens a quiz window and starts quizzing.

To change the style of the quiz, select between the four different quiz styles below Quiz.  They are Quiz All, Quiz Hard, Quiz Hard-Med and Quiz Percent.  You can tell which quiz mode you are currently using based on the check mark next to that quiz mode.  Also see Quiz notes #1 & #2.

Quiz All Quizzes all cards sequentially in the deck.
Quiz Hard Quizzes all cards below fifty percent.
Quiz Hard-Med Quizzes all cards below seventy percent.
Quiz Percent... This allows quizing all cards under a predetermined percentage (0-100).

Quiz notes:
Quiz Note #1 Memorize-It will not stop quizzing until you select the Stop button or close the box in the Quiz Window.
Quiz Note #2 Memorize-It allows you to expediously move through the quiz cards by continuously pressing Enter on the keyboard.

Quiz Alternative\Informational Items
Auto Quiz This quizzes all cards sequentially in the deck. It pauses (per the duration of the time set in the Auto Quiz Delay) before continuing to the next card.  You have to close the box in the Quiz Window to stop quizzing.  This does not keep track of scores.
Auto Quiz Delay... This sets the automatic time delay for the Auto Quiz
Random Order This randomly selects the next card from the deck instead of quzzing the deck in sequence.  The cards will not be displayed in sequence when a check mark is next to Random Order on the Quiz Menu.
Scale to Fit This is useful if someone with a larger monitor has created full size cards that are not fully visible in your largest Quiz Window.  For example, if a card is larger than your current Quiz Window card size, and Scale to Fit is selected, the card will be scaled to fit in the your existing Quiz Window.  Cards will be unaffected if smaller, or the same size, as the existing Quiz Window.

Quick Test

     This allows you to test yourself on the cards in any deck.  Simply select Quick Test from the Quiz menu and you will be shown the front of the first card.

     At the top of the window you will see the current card/question number and the time (taken so far) to answer the questions.  Simply select the correct answer and move on to the next or previous card.  Multiple Choice, True False and Type-in cards are more appropriate for testing than Honor System cards.  We do allow you to use honor system cards in a test.  Simply select Correct or Incorrect to answer those questions.  You may look at the back side of the card (the answer side) by pressing the Back Button.

     Once you have answered all the questions, press the Grade button.  The window will change to show you a report on how well you did on the test.

     You can enlarge the test window and widen the columns.  To widen the columns, place the mouse pointer arrow tip on the vertical column line in the title line.  The arrow will change to a vertical line with two horizontal arrows.  You then press down on the mouse button and drag the column line to the desired width.

     Your grade is shown in letter form, for example:

     Your Quick Test will also show the percentage, the total number of questions on the test, how many you answered correctly and the time taken on the test.  Below that information is a report on each test question, the answer you selected and the correct answer for that question.  You may print this Quick Test report by selecting File/Print.  When you are finished reviewing your scores, press the Done button to returned to  the parent window.


     The T-Scope design is based on a device called a tachistoscope.  The earliest reference found for this device was 1890.  Since that time it has been primarily used by research psychologists studying education.  It is a device used to present objects to the eye for a brief measured period, e.g., a fraction of a second.  One of its principal applications is the measurement of the amount of detail that can be comprehended by a single viewing.  You can set the delay and time between cards as if you have one of these specialized devices.  We have now taken up the tachistoscope flag and added T-Scope capability to Memorize-It flashcards.  We believe it is the first, and only, software tachistoscope.

     The number of cards per minute are shown below the card.  Below that are the reset button which sets the time values to the default.  The pause button which stops the T-Scope, and the stop button which closes the window and returns you to the parent window.

     The cards are shown in order.  The front is shown, then a delay, then the back, then another delay and on to the next card.  You may set the various times from 0 to 30 seconds.  The times may also be set in increments of milliseconds.  A millisecond is 1/1000 of a second (500 milliseconds in one half second).

     The T-Scope is memory intensive.  Two memory bitmaps are created for each card in the deck using the T-Scope.  This can take up a significant amount of memory.  If you have trouble running the T-Scope because of lack of memory, try selecting less cards before starting the   T-Scope.

     There are sounds associated with the display of the front and the back of the card.  The sound can be turned off by removing the check mark from the Sound item on the Card menu.

     This window cannot be resized.  If a card is defined to be larger than the default size, it will be scaled to fit in the T-Scope window.  This is limited because of memory requirements and the time required to draw larger images.