Edit Menu Information

    There are six items listed under the Edit main menu plus an additional four when editing a card.  They are as follows:
Undo This gives you a second chance when you make a mistake.  It changes to reflect your last action.
Cut This removes selected  text or graphs to a special place called the Clipboard.  This is a temporary holding area.
Copy This copies selected  text and graphics to a special place called the Clipboard.  This is a temporary holding area.
Paste This allows you to paste a cut or copied selection as many times as you like, as long as you do not overwrite the contents of the Clipboard by issuing another Cut or Copy command.
Select All This selects all text and graphic objects in the active window.
Clear This permanently removes all text and graphics in the active window.
Group This allows combining multiple text and graphic objects to form a complex image.  You can then work with a single combined object instead of with several individual objects.  You need to select all the text and objects you want to group, then use the Select All command or use the Arrow tool to draw a box around all the objects.
Ungroup This separates a selected complex image into the individual objects that originally comprised it.
Bring To Front This allows moving a selected object to be in front of all other objects.
Send To Back This allows moving a selected object to be in back of all other objects.